Virtual Office Assistant – Freelance Secretary

Who or what is a virtual office assistant, you may be wondering!  For all those who have yet to come across the term ‘VA’ or Virtual Assistant, let me explain what this means.

Virtual Office Assistant Definition

Virtual Office Assistant

Virtual Office Assistant

A virtual office assistant is an independent person who works on a contract basis for many sectors throughout the world by providing the services which a company would need in their administrative or technical departments, on an ad-hoc basis.

Virtual Office Assistant Opportunities

Being a virtual office assistant gives you the opportunity to work anywhere in the world as long as there is a connection. It also gives you the opportunity to work at home, make money fast or start a full time business, should you have young children or generally just prefer working on a freelance basis.

Firstly you should decide what areas you want to specialise in when considering becoming a virtual office assistant. List all your skills and decide which of these skills you would be happy concentrating on, such as

  1. mail shots
  2. presentations
  3. bookkeeping
  4. article writing
  5. setting up blogs
  6. auto-responders
  7. video marketing etc etc.

Next, take the time to determine who your customers are likely to be and draw up a list of these potential companies.

Virtual Office Assistant or Freelance Secretary?

Apart from being a virtual office assistant, you could also offer to train in-house locally any of the skills you have acquired, i.e. PowerPoint presentation, Word, Excel, Access, Internet marketing, creating pdf’s etc.

Another option would be to offer a telephone answering service. Now that it is possible to use the telephone all day for a small amount (or even no amount) of money, a telephone answering service could be a very viable part-time business, especially for someone who was unable to leave the house.

Another option would be for you to offer training on a one to one basis in any of your skills, in their own homes rather than going through the corporate way.

Finally, the virtual office assistant business is growing year by year and there will always be a need for people with the skills to support companies worldwide.  There are many advantages to owning a virtual assistant business

For more information on becoming a virtual assistant …

I highly recommend you check it out because,  I for one, was really impressed with the breakdown she has listed and it will give you a good guide for starting a virtual office assistant business.

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