Get Out Of Debt Fast With PPs

Get Out Of Debt Fast

Get Out Of Debt Fast

Anyone can get out of debt fast with the 2 PPs If only they knew how to put them into practice, it could make the biggest difference not only to getting out of debt but to every area in their lives where they wanted to make changes or improvements.

Get Out of Debt Fast PPs Examples

Let me explain what I mean by the PPs.

Put together, the 2Ps become an analogy of a simple strategy that you can use to achieve any goal that you want to achieve, no matter what the size of that goal. In this case we are talking about get out of debt fast and the use of the 2Ps can help you to achieve that.

It is a simple process of how you can move your thoughts into the right frame of mind, within the moment of the blink of an eye.

For example with the 2 Ps, you can not only get out of debt fast but you can also  …

  • Organize your day to complete all the tasks you set for yourself
  • Set goals and work at them, one at a time to completion
  • Lost weight
  • Stop smoking
  • Follow an exercise regime

and the list of what you want to achieve can go on and on.

Get out of Debt Fast 2Ps Explanation

Anyway, let’s get started with an explanation of how the 2 PP’s work …

Firstly, the 2 P’s represent …


The Pain and Pleasure Principle is that you compare pain with pleasure on every single choice that you make throughout your life.

As an example, consider the following scenario which you could use with your own thoughts to get out of debt fast :-

You’re overweight and want to lose a few pounds but you find it hard because of the temptation of the cakes, ice creams, pasta and sweets. They are after all, so very tasty! And then there is the crusty bread with butter and jam, the extra glass of red wine, the extra beer, etc. The list goes on and on.

Sometimes it is just all too much to have to keep resisting, so you don’t?

Day after day you carry on eating all the tempting yet fattening foods, whilst still ‘on a diet’! At the end of the first week, you look at the scales, only to see the pounds creeping on … not off.

You look miserably at the results and try moving the scales around into different locations on the bathroom floor, in the hope that these results might change to your advantage!

That’s the PAIN of dieting.

Now for the PLEASURE!

Yes, you love all the fattening foods but, you have a picture in your mind of yourself wearing that very smart outfit in a couple of months. You may even have a picture of this outfit stuck on your fridge!

You fill your plate with healthy food and have healthy snacks ready for those sudden hungry moments, all the time keeping the picture of yourself in the new smart outfit. You even take up exercises, again all the time keeping the picture of yourself in that new smart outfit.

Two weeks later, you see a very positive difference in your weight.

So to win the Pain / Pleasure Principle in this scenario, all you would have to do is, whenever you think of having something which would put on more weight; immediately think of the Pain or the Pleasure consequences of that action. You have a choice but in this case you want to focus on how to get out of debt fast.

Get out of debt fast with these simple steps to help you

You can use this principle when you want to achieve something which will move you out of debt and into wealth and happiness, at any time.   If you have anything you want to achieve in life, i.e. more income, keep focused on the visualisation of the pleasure of having that income and then consider the pain of not having it.

Procrastination is immediately eliminated from any task or goal that you want to achieve by using this method.

With the Pain / Pleasure Principle, you can achieve absolutely anything that you set your mind to. Absolutely everything is possible when you use this process of thinking and remember that it is you, and you alone who can shape your destiny from this day forward.

You can definitely use this to get out of debt fast from this moment on.

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