Gambling Problems – Part 1

Gambling Problems

Gambling Problems

Many people live with gambling problems, not that they are the gambler themselves but that they live with someone who is.

Are you living with someone who is dragging you down because of their gambling, alcoholic or spending behaviours?

One Answer To Gambling Problems

If the answer is Yes – GET HELP. (Check the address here)

There is no way that you are going to be able to clear debt and start attracting wealth and happiness if you are having to deal with the constant handicap of other people’s gambling problems and all that it entails.

Of course, it is recognised that  the majority of people with a gambling addictions are ill and the people involved in feeding these are unable to control them – on their own. But, there is a lot of very professional and community support out there for anyone who truly wants to, not only clear debt but also lead a better life and take full responsibility for each and every day that they have been gifted with.

The Effects On Others Living With Gambling Problems

People with these addictive problems are not happy people. They’ll pretend to be but they will suffer tremendous moments of despair.

Having said that, they’ll blame everyone else for their predicament; they’ll lie to you one minute and get your sympathy the next. You’ll probably be living on a roller coaster of emotions, which, in turn, will affect your whole life.

It’ll affect your health because the stress of dealing with gambling problems, which includes the gamblers erratic behaviour over a long period of time, can convert into serious illnesses for you also.

It’ll affect your relationships because you’ll be trying your hardest not to form friendships with other people, for fear of them finding out about your partners gambling problems and possibly then giving you sympathy or pitying you.

You’ll find yourself with constant thoughts of how to get out of debt.

If the problem is alcoholic, your friends and family will probably know anyway but, if it is debt or gambling then that is much easier to hide from other people. Either way, you won’t mix for fear of people wondering why you are always unable to ‘spend’ normally.

I’ve met a lot of gamblers and alcoholics, whose lives have been destroyed by their habits but I have never met one who was happy with the fact that they could not control themselves!

Take control of the gambling problems yourself

So, my best advice to anyone dealing with this situation would be to treat this as a challenge.

Get support for yourself so that you can take back control of your own life. You’ll have lost a lot of confidence over this period, therefore, it is important that you build that up again so that you can achieve a decent life for yourself.

Click the following link for more information on Gambling Problems – Gambling Problems Part 2

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