Electricity Prices Spiral Upwards – 5 Ways To Save

Electricity prices are on the move upwards yet again!
(Blog post update: December 2016)

Reading through the news reports from around the world, the average electricity cost plus gas prices are about to move upwards yet again.

In the UK, the blame for this rise is due to extra energy taxes which are being imposed by the government, (this according to the big six electricity providers) and will result in a 10% increase for the average household.

January is not a month most households will be looking forward to, with the need for more gas and electricity to heat their homes!

Many will take the matter into their own hands and source the cheapest electricity company that offer the lowest electricity rates they can find. However, there are downfalls to this in that though they may find low electricity rates, their new electric company will most probably recoup their costs by increasing the price after a few months of their being transferred.

If however, each household knew, at least, the average electricity cost per kwh, then they could take matters into their own hands by being responsible for their actual electricity usage. But how many people know that cost?

The price is increasing, yet more could be done, especially when we look at the date of the following article in the New York Times!

Converting Methane Gas From Manure Into Electricity – The New York …
Sep 23, 2008 – But recently they have generated something else: electricity. The farm is part of a growing alternative energy program that converts the methane …

How businesses are going to be affected by the rise in business electricity rates is obvious. The cost of goods will go up in line with this added expenditure.

Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-3939980/Electricity-prices-rise-10-January-yes-ve-guessed-green-taxes-blame.html#ixzz4SegBRTHd

Electricity prices are on the rise yet again and are substantial in their increases.   Could anyone argue that the days of cheap electricity are over?

Knowing what is in the pipeline with regard to electricity suppliers, now is the time for you to see how you could save money instead of spending it on the bills yet to be delivered.

By using the dishwasher less often, making sure that you always turn off the standby button on your television set or even sets, ensuring that you have a full freezer, even with cheap loaves of bread and turning off computers when they are not being used, are all ways that you could make a big saving on your electricity costs.

Leaving lights on around the house in rooms that are not being used is another waste of your money.

According to recent research, men are more likely to be wasters in this way, than women. That point may seem trivial but it is worth noting, if you are a man! Who wants to throw away money on unnecessary expenses?

However, I am ashamed to say that whilst typing this article, I suddenly noticed that lights were on in the rooms around me, so I got up and investigated, only to find as I went from one room to another I had to switch off lights to five rooms. How wasteful of me, not only monetary but also the energy waste and its impact on the next generations.

Business electricity rates

Why not check your own electricity usage right now! Where could you be saving electricity in your own home or office? With that said, let me reiterate the …

5 Ways to Save on Electricity Prices

  1. Keep your freezer stocked up to save paying for freezing air.
  2. Hand wash your dishes more ofter, rather than using the dishwasher.
  3. Turn off that red button on the television set.  The standby buttons!  You don’t need it.
  4. Do you need to keep your computer on all night and throughout the whole day?
  5. How many lights do you really need to have on, at any one time in the evening?

Obviously there are other ways that each householder could save money on the new electricity prices, soon to be introduced and just by being aware of how you are using electricity, creating new routines and sticking with them, will make a big difference to your yearly electricity costs. These savings could be ear marked for other household expenses or even luxuries!

Getting Help With Electricity Prices

For more information on how you can protect yourself from the new electricity prices which are on the horizon and also what grants may be available for you to apply for, check out the following websites

USA http://www.energy.gov/yourhome.htm

UK http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/

Australia http://australia.gov.au/topics/environment-and-natural-resources/energy/energy-efficiency

To find out what saving grants are available in other countries, do a search online for “energy savings + and name of the country + type in  ” .gov ”

Alternatively you could contact you local council offices to see what literature they have available on saving energy costs.

In the meantime, check out
Save Money on Electricity
You’ll find more information on how our ancestors cooked without electricity and how you could do the same today. This information is very interesting, especially for all of us who had no idea how they survived all those years ago. Yet the ideas can still be used today and more …

But, whatever you do, make sure you take control before the electricity prices eat into your budget.

Also, for more information on ways to clear debt, and save money, look through the debt articles section above and also the debt management plan

News – Electricity Prices Around The World

In New York, the early heat wave has created a demand for electricity, thereby pushing up electricity prices further than was anticipated.


In Australia, it was reported that power prices are set to rise by a massive 30% within the next two years. However, they are doing something to ensure that it’s not wasted and incorporating Oxfam into their benefit policy.


Being aware of the new electricity price increases and putting a plan into action for saving energy, you should be able to ride this. Also, being conscious of how you are using energy in your home or office could confirm to you that you could in fact be saving money right now and thus the new electricity prices may not impact you at all.

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