Category: Debt Solutions

Mentoring Program Criteria Yes or No!

Following is an article which you may be interested in if you are considering a mentoring program in the first place. The recession has hit nearly every family throughout the world and in many cases people who have reached the…

Baby Boomers Are Leaving Big Houses

Baby boomers are moving out of their big houses in the hope of finding smaller properties nearer their families or conveniences. With more and more big houses becoming available on the market, and less available buyers, there is an imbalance…

High Court protects vulnerable in financial need

The financial need and protection of the vulnerble in society is the duty of every local authority and fortunately the High Court have stepped in, in a landmark case to ensure that their financial responsibilities towards two disabled men are…

Rags to Riches – Hair and There!

Rags to riches can happen anywhere in the world and in any sector or niche. Hair, as it cutting it, is one way of achieving that goal. You just have to look around the world at the hairdressers and barbers…